Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mountain stew - Cocido Montañes


Ingredients for 6 people: 400 g of haricot beans 300 g of marinated ribs 100 g of streaky bacon 100 g of bacon 100 g of spicy sausage 100 g of black pudding 1 kg of cabbage 100 g of pig's ear, 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic Sweet paprika, Olive oil for browning, Salt


Leave the beans to soak overnight. Put water on to heat in a cooking pot, when it comes to boil, add the beans and simmer, along with the bacon for 45 or 50 minutes over low heat. As they cook, add water when necessary and let the broth thicken.Add the rib and the pig's ear half-way through cooking, bake for 30 minutes over low heat. Boil the cabbage separately and add the streaky bacon, potato, black pudding and the spicy sausage. Continue cooking for 15 to 20 minutes until everything is tender and be linked. Prepare a sauce with the finely-chopped onion, garlic and the sweet paprika and add salt if necessary.


Pour the sauce on the cabbage. Serve the beans piping hot with the cabbage, the spicy sausage and the black pudding.

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